Corporate numerology workshops

Although often acknowledged as ‘hunch’ or ‘gut feel’ it is creativity and intuition that play an important part in many great corporate success stories.
We know it is not the exclusive gift of great leaders.
DBI offers a programme of inspirational workshops that can be delivered through seminars, workshops, or courses. Each programme is tailor made to suit your budget, training needs and requirements. For more information, please contact us at tel: 01323 736557 or e-mail:
The Quantum Executive Programme
An experiential programme designed specifically to meet the needs of professionals. Do you want to maximise your business potential? Exploring unconventional methods of information gathering is just one of the skills you will learn. Developing innovative problem solving techniques and utilising whole brained, multi-sensory thinking, providing you with powerful and effective tools for business.
Become a Quantum Executive© be willing to go beyond predictable patterns of thinking;, generate truly original ideas and play the corporate game to win. Curious? Intrigued? Contact tel: 01323 736557 or e-mail:
Team Building
Innovative creative workshops which stimulate team co-operation and achievement.
Michaele tel: 01323 736557 or e-mail:
Marianne at tel: 06-25587149 or e-mail:
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